Joe and the ladies - Sook, Carolina, and Kelly
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People pictured: Carolina, Joe, Kelly, Sook
Picture 10 of 22
The 2005 Christmas gift exchange, a Motorola tradition, begins! A nice waffle iron is one of the first items collected Danilo snatches the car racing game...but he won't hold onto it for long! I hang my head as karma strikes and I'm caught with a bag of candy Stephen is happy with the <a href="">over-sized Miami Hurricanes ring</a> Stephen is overwhelmed with people trying to trade their item A group photo at the Roundup Country Western bar Sook and Carolina enjoying the BBQ ribs Jackie and Stephen Joe and the ladies - Sook, Carolina, and Kelly Texas Cowboys Beer. Proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Switched hats for this pic Jorge opens the kisses...oh the horror! Kelly line dancin' Kelly steals the hat for a pic as a cowgirl Me and my prize...ugh. Byron won Mr. Wonderful. Truly, the perfect gift! Brenda, lucky #40, got to pick her gift Kelly and Kirk on the dance floor