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People pictured: Razi, Wade
Picture 21 of 24
We dropped our luggage off at the hotel and struck out into the city as soon as we arrived. The taxi cost about 8 RMB (or Yuan, about $1) to take us to the Confucius temple marketplace From Miami to LA to HK to Nanjing, it took about 24 hours to arrive in Nanjing. Here's Razi, Fred, and I walking through the Confucious marketplace. Rohit, Razi, and Fred We noticed the Chinese love jeans as much as Americans Drinking some Boba Tea McDonalds in Nanjing Everything was super cheap - everyone who goes to China does a lot of shopping Unfortunately the rapid economic boom in China has created a lot of pollution, but the government is aggressively reforming the laws to improve the air quality All these glass globes were meticulously hand-painted from the inside This guy is in the process of developing myopia Rohit and I had a blast exploring Nanjing Looking at the morning fog from my hotel room at the Sheraton Checking out Soho and the night life at a place called 1912 At a karaoke bar on 1912 street This singer was singing Mariah Carey's "Hero". Authentic Chinese dinner - the food was excellent! Stefan, Ketan, David, Dmitri, Rohit, and Fred at the Irish pub at the Sheraton Crab dish at the Thai restaurant. It didn't look good but was quite delicious. Me and Alex on Halloween night I was only in Nanjing for 4 days. Hopefully, I'll be going back...