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People pictured: Orlando
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As my last day at Motorola approaches, I decided to capture some pics of the place I worked at for the past 7 1/2 years My cubic and from another angle and a third angle: some awards accumulated over the years along with chinese sundries picked up at the <a href="http://wadecherry.com/ShowPic.php?PicGroup=33&PicNum=2">Confucius temple marketplace</a> Sergio Ralph Drew Byron and Dilip Charlie Rajeev and Jeff Orlando My old boss, Sarah JTs famous cube The Nitin Charbel Configuration Management guru, Hugh Byron's old cube area The i1000, iDENs first really successful product Heber The hallway leading to the stairs and gate 7 that we walked down every day A view from above A bit blurry, but this is the conference room area Display case showing the history of Motorola Oooh, the entrance to the cafeteria Outside gate 10 at the southwest of the building Heading north on University, the building is off to the right behind all the foliage Byron and the Moto The Motorola batwings nice pic, byron The Quiznos and Chada Thai restaurant just across the street Visitor's entrance Gate 1 The visitor's lobby Dale and Josue The revolving doors at our entrance; it was always entertaining when people forgot to swipe their badge and got stuck in the middle of the revolving doors Byron's cube The dual-mode CDMA/iDEN products The main hallway and back at the cube